Senior WASH Manager, WaterAid
Dr. Mbaye Mbéguéré is Senior WASH Manager at WaterAid, providing thematic leadership on urban and small town WASH to ensure WaterAid’s interventions are relevant, effective, and add value in the countries where WA works and to the global WASH professional community.
Prior to joining WaterAid, He was Senior Program Coordinator to the African Water Association and has managed a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to implement the Program of Reinforcing Capacity of African Sanitation Operators on non-sewer and FSM Systems through peer-to-peer learning Partnerships (RASOP-Africa) in 5 African countries (Uganda, Zambia, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire and Mali).
Day 2 June 07, 2018
10:45 - 12:15
Workshop C1. African Cities:Meeting Basic Needs and Ensuring Balance